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In this visceral performance, Rebecca Belmore constructs a dress from newspaper and honey. The seated figure (Daina Warren) recalls Queen Victoria, and the act of constructing a structure around her from newspaper makes a statement about the role of the printed word as a vehicle for domination and control.
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Rebecca Belmore: Born in Upsala, Ontario, Canada. Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. Belmore was Canada’s official representative at the 2005 Venice Biennale with Fountain, co-commissioned by the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery and the Kamloops Art Gallery. Belmore’s solo exhibitions include Rising to the Occasion, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver BC (2008); March 5 1819, The Rooms, St. John’s NFLD (2008); The Named and the Unnamed, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver BC (2002). Her group exhibitions include Close Encounters: The Next 500 Years, Plug In Institute of Contemporary Art, Winnipeg, Manitoba (2011); NeoHoodoo: Art for a Forgotten Faith, The Menil Collection, Houston, Texas (2008); Global Feminisms, Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn NY (2007); Land, Spirit, Power, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa ON (1992); and Creation or Death: We Will Win, Havana Biennial, Havana Cuba (1991).